Configure CPanel Cron Jobs

Step 1. Log into WHM as an admin
Step 2. After logging into WHM you will want to select the Configure cPanel Cron Jobs option in the Server Configuration section from the list of the left side.

Step 3. On the following page, select the command for your desired cron job task.

You can use the following parameters to schedule Cron Jobs for cPanel.

  • Minute – This is the number of minutes in between each execution of a cron job or the minute of each hour that you wish to have the cron job run. For example, you can have the cron job run every 30 minutes by selecting 30.
  • Hour– This is the number of hours in between each execution of a cron job or the hour of each day (in 24 hour time) that you wish to have the cron job run. For example, you can have a cron job run daily at 0900 by selecting 0900.
  • Day– This is the number of days in between each execution of a cron job or the day of each month that you wish to have the cron job run. For example, you can have the cron job run on the 3rd of every month by selecting 3.
  • Month– This is the number of months in between each execution of a cron job or the month of each year that you wish to have the cron job run. For example, you can have the cron job run in October of every year by selecting 10.
  • Weekday– This is the days of the week for which you want to run the selected cron job. For example, entering a value of 2 would indicate a Tuesday.
  • Enter * to have the cron job run at each interval.

Step 4. You will want to configure the cron job to fulfill the desired task and its frequency from the drop-down menu.

You have 3 command options here.

  • upcp – configure when you want to update cPanel and WHM.
  • backup – this allows you to run back ups on the server if you have backups enabled using the new backup system.
  • cpbackup – this allows you to run backups on the server if you have backups enabled using the legacy backup system.

Step 5. Click on the blue save changes button at the bottom of the page.

How to Unblock a User in Office 365

How to Unblock a User in Office 365

Office 365 will automatically block a user account if they are sending too many emails classified as spam.

This article shows you how to unblock a user in Office 365 using the Security & Compliance portal.

1. A user will get a message like “Your message couldn’t be delivered because you weren’t recognized as a valid sender. The most common reason for this is that your email address is suspected of sending spam and it’s no longer allowed to send messages outside of your organization. Contact your email admin for assistance.”

It is advisable to change the users email password and check their computer for malware or viruses. A full sultion can be found

2. Once you have reset the users password and are confident that the account in no longer compromised you will need to unblock the user. Login to and got the the Security & Compliance option. If you don’t see this then you need to get your Office 365 administrator to do this.

3. Click on Alerts –> Dashboard and then scroll down to Restricted Users which will take you to

4. Click ‘Unblock’


Soft-deleted Office 365 groups are groups that have been deleted, but can be restored within 30 days of being deleted. All of the group contents can be restored within this period. After 30 days, soft-deleted Office 365 groups are marked for permanent deletion and can’t be restored.

Undo-SoftDeletedUnifiedGroup -SoftDeletedObject “Marketing Department”


Use the Update-DistributionGroupMember cmdlet to replace all members of distribution groups and mail-enabled security groups. To add or remove existing group members, use the Add-DistributionGroupMember and Remove-DistributionGroupMember

[-DomainController ]
[-Members ]

Update-DistributionGroupMember -Identity “Research Reports” -Members,,,

Script to create Active Directory User ID using Powershell

Script to create User ID(use this command in AD server)

New-ADUser -Name(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type Name”) -DisplayName(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type Display Name”)-GivenName(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type First Name”) -Surname(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type Last Name”) -Manager(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type Manager Name”) -MobilePhone(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type Mobile Number”) -SamAccountName(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type UserName”) -UserPrincipalName(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type UPN”) -Path “OU=users,OU=users,OU=ssg-india,DC=ssg,DC=com” -Title(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type Title”) -Department(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type Department”) -Description(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type Description”) -office(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type Office Name”) -EmailAddress(Read-Host -AsPlainText “Type Email Address”) -AccountPassword(Read-Host -AsSecureString “Type Password”) -Enabled $true

How to Edit file in the SiteWorx File Manager?

1. Log into your SiteWorx account. (e.g. )

2. Under “SiteWorx Menu“, click on the “File Manager” option.

3. Navigate to the directory where your file is located.

4. Click on the file you want to edit and it will open in edit mode.

5. Make changes to your file and then click on the “Save” button.

How to upload files via the SiteWorx FileManager?

If you don’t want to use a 3rd party FTP Software, you can use the SiteWorx’s inbuilt File Manager.

1. Log into your SiteWorx account. (e.g. )

2. Under “SiteWorx Menu“, choose the “File Manager” option.

3. Navigate to the directory where you want to upload your files to. For example, should you wish to upload your file to the public html folder, you need to go to /html first. On the left side you can see a list of directories. Double Click on the “html” folder.

Click on the “Upload” menu in the Top header section, click on the “Browse” button and select the file you want to upload from your PC. After you have selected the file, click on the “Upload” button to upload it.

How to Access Webalizer in SiteWorx?

1. Log into your SiteWorx account. (e.g. )

2. Under “SiteWorx Menu“, click the “Statistics” menu item if it is not already open.

3. Click on the “Webalizer” option and your Webalizer Statistics will open in a new window.

How to Access AWStats in SiteWorx?

1. Log into your SiteWorx account. (e.g. )

2. Under “SiteWorx Menu“, click the “Statistics” menu item if it is not already open.

3. Click on the “AWStats” option.

4. If the current month is June, the year is 2015 and you want to see the current month’s statistics, then click on the “June 2015” button under “Stats Type: Monthly“.