How to download files and folders to your computer using FileZilla?

You can download files from your website to your Computer using FileZilla Client.

1. Open FileZilla FTP Client.

2. Enter your FTP Host, Username and Password. You can use your cPanel username and password as your FTP User and Password and then click on “Quick Connect” button.
In Host field, You can use your domain name like or

3. In Right side box which is located below “Remote Site“, Select files or folder you wish to download. You can press “CTRL” button and choose multiple folder/files and then press right click on file or folder you choosed and then click on “Download” button.

It can take few minute to download, You can see progress.

How to upload Index file to your site using FileZilla?

Maybe you are web designer or you have a index file and want to upload it to your site. You can follow this tutorial to upload your site files on your hosting account.

1. Open FileZilla FTP Client.

2. Enter your FTP Host, Username and Password. You can use your cPanel username and password as your FTP User and Password and then click on Quick Connect button.
In Host field, You can use your domain name like or

3. Make sure that you are inside public_html folder, If not then double click on it to go to public_html folder.

4. Under Local Site in FileZilla, Open your folder where your index file, etc is located and then select your index file and click on Upload option.

Index file will be successfully uploaded.

How to Create or Delete a Directory Using the FileZilla FTP Client?

You can create or remove directory on your website using the FileZilla FTP Client.

1. Open the FileZilla FTP Client.

2. Enter your FTP Host, Username and Password. You can use your cPanel username and password as your FTP User and Password and then click on the “Quick Connect” button.
In the Host field, you can use your domain name like or

3. Now, should you wish to create a directory inside the public_html folder, open it by clicking twice on the “public_html” directory or any directory where you wish to create your folder/directory.

4. Right Click on empty space under the “filename” box, which is located below “Remote site” and then click on the “Create Directory” option.

5. Enter Directory name like images or any other directory name you wish to create.

6. Your newly created directory will appear. Double click on it to enter your newly created directory.

How to Delete or Remove a directory?

1. Right click on any directory you wish to delete.

2. Click the “Delete” option and then on “Yes” to confirm .

The directory will be removed. You can use this method to remove any directory or files.

How to Access or Connect to Your FTP Account via the FileZilla FTP?

You can access your FTP Account using the FileZilla FTP Client or any FTP Client.

1. Open the FileZilla FTP Client.

2. Enter your FTP Host, Username and Password. You can use your cPanel username and password as your FTP User and Password.
In the Host field, you can use your domain name such as or

3. Click on Quick Connect and it will take a few seconds to connect. Then your website will appear on the right side.

Now you can start using the FileZilla Client, manage your website files, and upload/delete files from your website.

How to Install the FTP Client Filezilla on Windows?

Installing the FileZilla FTP Client on Windows OS is easy. Just follow this tutorial.

1. Download the Filezilla FTP Client Installer file for your Windows OS.

2. Double click to Run the FileZilla FTP Setup File. It will show a security warning. Read and accept it or click the Run option.

3. The FileZilla Client will show a License Agreement. Read it and accept the agreement to install the FileZilla Client on your PC.

4. Click on the Next button until it shows the Install button. Then Click on it.

5. The installation can take a few seconds but will depend on your PC. Once it completes, click the Finish button.

Congratulations. You successfully installed the FileZilla Client on your Windows OS. Now you can start using it.

How to Delete an FTP User account from cPanel?

If you have created too many FTP User accounts and some of these have not been used and you want to remove an FTP Account, then you can accomplish this by following this tutorial.

1. Log into your cPanel account.

2. In the “Files” section, click on “FTP Accounts” Icon.

3. Under the “FTP Accounts” list, Click on “Delete” button.

4. Click on the “Delete” button and your FTP Account will be removed.

Warning: Do not use the “Delete the Users Home Directory” option. Otherwise the data inside your FTP User account will also be removed and will be unrecoverable until you restore it with a backup.

How to change the FTP User Quota in cPanel?

If you want to increase/decrease the FTP Quota or to use an “Unlimited” FTP Quota but also want to set a limit, then follow these steps to modify the FTP User quota.

1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Files” section, click on “FTP Accounts” Icon.

 Under the “FTP Accounts” list, click on “Change Quota“.

4. Click on the “Change Quota” button.

How to change the password of the FTP Account in cPanel?

If you want to change main root FTP Account then you need to change the password of your cPanel Account. However, if you want to change the password of a specific FTP Account, you should follow this instruction.

1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Files” section, click on “FTP Accounts” Icon.

3. Under the “FTP Accounts” list, click on “Change Password” or use the “Password Generator“.

4. Click on the “Change Password” button.

Now you can access your FTP user account with your new password.

How to create an FTP Account in cPanel?

You can use your cPanel username and password to access all folders and files via FTP. However, if you want to create an FTP user account for a specific folder or you don’t want to allow access to your root files then you can create a separate FTP Account.

1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Files” section, click on “FTP Accounts” Icon.

3. Under “Add FTP Account” text, fill in the following details:

  • Log in: FTP Username like “newuser” (without the quotes and spaces)
  • Password: (Enter new FTP Password or generate a new password by clicking on the “Password Generator” button)
  • Directory: If you want to give access to the entire /public_html folder, enter “public_html” or change folder path to a different path like “public_html/newuser” and your FTP user will be granted access to only the “newuser” folder. Your FTP user will also be unable to access folders outside of the “public_html/newuser” folder.
  • Quota: Specify the quota in numerical words or select “unlimited“.

4. Click on the “Create FTP Account” button.

Now you can access your FTP Account by using your newly-created FTP account like:

  • Host: Your Website IP or enter your website name like (replace with your website address).
  • Username:
  • FTP Port: 21 (Default port is 21)
  • FTP Password: Your FTP Password