If you don’t want to use a 3rd party FTP Software, you can use the SiteWorx’s inbuilt File Manager.
1. Log into your SiteWorx account. (e.g. www.example.com:2443/siteworx/ )
2. Under “SiteWorx Menu“, choose the “File Manager” option.
3. Navigate to the directory where you want to upload your files to. For example, should you wish to upload your file to the public html folder, you need to go to /html first. On the left side you can see a list of directories. Double Click on the “html” folder.
4. Click on the “Upload” menu in the Top header section, click on the “Browse” button and select the file you want to upload from your PC. After you have selected the file, click on the “Upload” button to upload it.
1. Log into your SiteWorx account. (e.g. www.example.com:2443/siteworx/ )
2. Under “SiteWorx Menu“, click the “Statistics” menu item if it is not already open.
3. Click on the “AWStats” option.
4. If the current month is June, the year is 2015 and you want to see the current month’s statistics, then click on the “June 2015” button under “Stats Type: Monthly“.
In order to secure your admin area from hackers, we recommended you to allow access only from your selected IP to your admin directory. You just need to create an .htaccess file in the directory where you want to restrict access by IP Address.
For example, if you have a WordPress blog installed on your main directory like example.com/wp-admin, you should create an .htaccess file in /wp-admin/.htaccess and you should put this code in, and not forget to replace the allowed IP address with your IP address.
order deny,allow deny from all allow from YOUR-IP-ADDRESS-HERE
(Replace “Your-IP-Address-Here” text with your IP Address)
You can test this by accessing your /wp-admin IP address from another IP address which is not allowed by your .htaccess file.
For security purposes, we recommend that you to disable directory browsing on your website so no one can see the files/folders of your website. You can disable Directory Browsing by adding this line to your .htaccess file.