You can Enable or Disable 2D/3D Acceleration or you can change the video card type to VGA, Cirrus, etc in SolusVM.
1. Login to your SolusVM Control Panel.
2. If you have multiple VPS, select the appropriate one.
How to Change the Video Type? 1. Scroll down, and under the”Video” tab, change the type from the drop-down menu to the appropriate video type and then reboot your VPS.
How to Enable the 2D/3D Acceleration? 1. Scroll down under the “Video” tab, and if you want to Disable the 3D Acceleration, choose the option “Off” from the dropdown menu.If you want to enable it, chose the “On” option from the 2D/3D Acceleration.
2. Reboot your VPS.
Note: Virtualization like KVM does not support 2D/3D Acceleration on some operating systems.
You can change the Disk Driver to Virtio or IDE before installing the operating system but should you change this after installing the OS, it will show an error that the disk is not found or a similar error. Only change this before Installing/Reinstalling the OS.
1. Login to your SolusVM Control Panel.
2. If you have multiple VPS, select the appropriate one.
3. Scroll down, and under the “settings” tab, you can find the “Disk Driver” option. Select the appropriate Disk Driver from the Drop-Down Menu.
4. Reboot your VPS and you will be able to install/reinstall your OS which will use your selected disk driver.
SolusVM allows you to enable or disable VNC, PAE, APIC and ACPI.
1. Login to your SolusVM Control Panel.
2. If you have multiple VPS, then select the appropriate one.
3. Scroll down, under the “settings” tab you can find APIC, ACPI, VNC or PAE. If you want to turn off VNC, then select the “Off” option from the Drop-Down menu under the VNC option.
4. After making any changes (on/off), reboot your VPS.
The SolusVM Automatic Reinstall option does not allow you to modify or create a custom partition but you can manually install an OS by following these instructions:
1. Login to your SolusVM Control Panel. 2. If you have multiple VPS, select the appropriate one.
3. Scroll down, and under the “settings” tab, change the Boot Order to “(1) CDROM (2) Hard Disk“.
4. Now click on the “CDRom” tab and if the CD-ROM is already mounted, click on unmount and then select your operating system from list. Then click on “Mount“.
5. Reboot your VPS by clicking on “Reboot” and it will show a confirmation window. Then click on “Yes“.
6. Now quickly click on VNC without waiting.
7. The new VNC page will open. Click on “Java VNC Client” or on the “VNC” button.
8. It will prompt for confirmation. Click “Ok” or “Continue” and it will show “Security Warning“. Accept it and click on “run“.
9. Most operating systems will ask you to “Press any button to start OS Installation” while booting. You need to press any key on your keyboard when asked and the OS Installation/Reinstallation will begin. It may also show you an option like “Install OS“, “Test this media“. For OS Installation/Reinstallation you need to select “Install OS” and press the enter button.
Once the installation begins, it while set up the OS and ask you to create partitions, set root/admin passwords, etc.
After the installation is complete, don”t forget to set your VPS Boot Order to “(1) Hard Disk (2) CDROM“, otherwise it will reboot your VPS and start in installation mode, instead of normal mode.
You can easily reinstall the operating system using the SolusVM automatic reinstallation tool but please note that this option will destroy all the data on your VPS.
1. Login to your SolusVM Control Panel.
2. If you have multiple VPS, select the appropriate one.
3. Scroll down and you will see a “Reinstall” option. Click it.
4. You will see a lot of options. Select the operating system which you want to install. For example, if you want to install CentOS 7, choose it.
5. Scroll down to the end of the page and click the “Reinstall” button. A confirmation window will open. Click “Yes“.
It will show a message that the installation can take up to 10 minutes and also show an admin/root password. Copy the password on notepad because you will need it to access your VPS user account later.
You can access your VPS via VNC in case of emergency such as when your IP is blocked by a firewall, the Internet connection is not working, you are unable to access your VPS via SSH or for OS Installation/Reinstallation reasons, etc.
1. Login to your SolusVM Control Panel. 2. If you have multiple VPS, select the appropriate one.
3. Scroll down and you can see a “VNC” option. Click it!
4. The new VNC page will open. Click on “Java VNC Client” or on “VNC“.
5. It will prompt for confirmation. Click “Ok” or “Continue” and it will show “Security Warning“. If it looks OK, accept it and click the “run” button.
The VNC Area will resemble the following screenshot:
Note: If you get any errors like “Java Blocked”, you will need to white-list our VPS control panel domain in your Java Security List. Then it will show “Java plugin not installed”, after which you can install the Java software on your computer.