Import Key Vault Certificate using C# Print

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Here is the sample code to import certificate from Key Vault


   string clientId = "";
    string clientSecret = "";
    string tenantId = "";
    string subscriptionId = "";
    string resourceGroupName = "sixshotRG";
    string websiteName = "sixshot";
    string certName = "MyCertName";
    string keyVaultId = "/subscriptions/[Key Vault subscription id]/resourcegroups/[key vault resource group name]/providers/microsoft.keyvault/vaults/[key vault name]";
    string keyVaultSecretName = "[Key Vault secret or cert name]";
    AzureOperationResponse updateCertificateResult;
    var credentials = new AzureCredentialsFactory().FromServicePrincipal(clientId, clientSecret, tenantId, AzureEnvironment.AzureGlobalCloud);
    var azure = Azure
    IWebAppsOperations ops = azure.WebApps.Inner;
    RestClient restClient = RestClient
    var client = new WebSiteManagementClient(restClient) { SubscriptionId = subscriptionId };
    var appDetails = await client.WebApps.GetAsync(resourceGroupName, websiteName);
    var certificateInner = new CertificateInner
        KeyVaultId = keyVaultId,
        KeyVaultSecretName = keyVaultSecretName,
        Location = appDetails.Location,
        ServerFarmId = appDetails.ServerFarmId,
        Password =""
    updateCertificateResult = await client.Certificates
catch(Exception ex)

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